Want to Write for Us?

Do you want your work featured on StudySoup?

Want to make people laugh, smile, giggle or gasp? Perfect. StudySoup is accepting open submissions. Just show us whatcha got using the form below. 

We review each submission within one month of the submission date. If we like what we see, we’ll give you a shout using the email you provide below. 

Though we may make minor edits to submissions, we will not offer full editorial feedback. So please make sure any work you share with us is ready for the world to see. 

What do we accept?

Insightful, comprehensive content that’s written in language that students can identify with and packaged in a nice tight humoristic product. We want emotion: awe, love, hate, humor….but nothing in between. We look for smart, fun, and easy going voices. 

We love written articles, infographics, videos, gifs…anything, as long as it’s something that will resonate with college students. 

Thanks for your interest in contributing to the StudySoup community!

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Please note that by submitting through this form, you give us use rights in perpetuity. Once work has been published, we reserve the right to keep it published. 

StudySoup reserves all use rights to anything we publish in all forms. If you wish to submit work that we’ve published on your behalf elsewhere, you must do the following: 

  • Create a different headline
  • Significantly change the opening and concluding paragraphs
  • Link back to the page it originally appeared on StudySoup